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Interactive Video for eLearning Sample
Here at Miyens, we can develop and customize gamification that fits your company and institution perfectly. But you may ask, "Why do we need to incorporate gamification?"
March 13, 2023/by Chris Ilagan
MSME Insights Episode 14: Securing Sensitive Data
For the first episode of MIYENS SME Insight we get to know Mike, a startup business owner who gets help from his business strategy consultant from Miyens which is Anna. In this episode, we get to know the difference between a startup business and a small to medium enterprise (SME) and how these businesses have their own challenges and opportunities.
February 6, 2022/by Miyens
6 Bible Verses To Keep You Motivated Everyday
April 17, 2019/by Miyens
AR and VR Changing the Food Industry
If you are a business from the food industry, Miyens offers affordable AR/VR services like 360 Panorama Virtual Reality Tours and Augmented Reality Apps that can help you provide good food and service to your customers.
August 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Needs a Customer Support Representative
Customer Service is a difficult task to handle and it is not for the onion-skinned nor for the weak heart. That’s why companies hire customer support representatives that are up for the job description.
August 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Tips for a better collaboration
Not all of us are fond of group works. Some choose to do task individually while others prefer in collaborating with people they are comfortable with. But whether we like it or not, group collaborations are inevitable.
August 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
MSME Insights Episode 13: Outsource To Get Things Done
For the thirteenth episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Anna introduces outsourcing to her both of her clients, Mike and Jenny. She explains how outsourcing goes, how it can help businesses and other benefits when a business outsource its talents.
August 14, 2018/by Miyens
Why Consider eLearning?
Why Consider eLearning? We are currently living in the 21st century and today, there is an enhancement in tech trends such as new gadgets, computer software, and other applications. Considering that our society is now fast-paced, we need to keep up with its movement.
August 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Write a Good Essay
Do you remember the time when your English teacher told you to write an essay regarding a certain topic? Your classmates were either having the following reactions: Thrilled, nonchalant or horrified.
August 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How SMEs Can do Experiential Marketing
Just like big businesses in the industry, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) needs marketing strategies like experiential marketing, but there’s a common misconception about it, SMEs can’t afford it hence making it impossible for them to do this marketing tactic.
August 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Team Miyens
August 3, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 15: Your WordPress Website
For the last episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Anna talks about Jenny and her blogs using Wordpress. She explains the use of Wordpress to businesses, how to maintain a Wordpress website and how TEAM MIYENS helps Jenny in maintaining her Wordpress website.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 12: Maximizing Free Tools For Your Work
For this MIYENS SME Insights episode, Anna teaches Jenny on how to maximize free tools to her advantage. Anna also explains the functions of different free tools and how it can make her business transactions and work easier.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 11: Gaining Customers Using Immersive Technology
In this episode, Mike approaches Anna to help him step up his marketing. Anna gives him an creative solution in the form of immersive marketing. Anna explains the different immersive technologies that can be customized based on Mike's business and how MIYENS can provide him with immersive marketing solutions
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 9: How To Be On Top Of Searches (Paid Ads)
In this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, we get to know Jenny, another struggling online entrepreneur. She seeks help from Anna on how to increase her online website’s sales. Anna’s solution?
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 8: How To Be On Top Of Searches (SEO)
For the eighth episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike discovers that his business website is not optimized. His business consultant Anna explains what an optimized website means,
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 5: Building Your Online Followers
For this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, our favorite businessman Mike now learns how to establish his online followers for his business. He gets tips on how to attract the right followers and how to make social media pages worth following.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 2: Having Your Own Website
For this episode of Miyens SME Insights, Anna guides Mike as he learns the importance of having a website for his business and the steps Mike needs to do in having one.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 1: Introduction
For the first episode of MIYENS SME Insight we get to know Mike, a startup business owner who gets help from his business strategy consultant from Miyens which is Anna. In this episode, we get to know the difference between a startup business and a small to medium enterprise (SME) and how these businesses have their own challenges and opportunities.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 10: Stepping Up With A Mobile App
For MIYENS SME Insights, Jenny deals with the reach of her business good thing Anna is there to save the day. She suggests the idea of having a mobile app for Jenny’s business instead of only having a website. Anna explains to Jenny what a mobile a mobile app can do and the benefits of having one for her business.
July 25, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 7: Grow Your Business With Video (Part 2)
On the second part of the episode “Grow your business with video” Mike learns other video marketing materials that he can do for his business, how it works and how he can use it for his business.
July 24, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 6: Grow Your Business With Video (Part 1)
In this two part episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike gets help from Anna on how to come up with content for his social media in video form. She tells Mike the benefits of posting video content on social media, the types of video content you can post on social media and how it can be helpful for businesses.
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 4: Being Mobile Ready
For this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike through the help and guidance of Anna, gets to know the importance of having a website that is mobile ready, the benefits it brings to the business and how TEAM MIYENS can help businesses in equipping themselves with a mobile ready website.
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 3: Establishing Social Media Presence
In this third episode of Miyens SME Insights, Mike figures out how to establish a business’ social media presence with the help of his business strategy consultant from MIYENS, Anna. She helps Mike identify the right platform to use
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
How Social Media Can Help SMEs
The main problem of Small and Medium Enterprises is that they get little exposure since they are competing with establishments that have been in the business for some time.
July 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Augmented Reality (AR) Help Us Understand History Better
We all know that history can be quite boring as a subject. Remembering all those historical dates and people who shaped our history now can be a laborious task to do sometimes. But with the help of augmented reality, you’ll find history interesting.
July 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Tips on How to be Productive on a Daily Basis
Do you feel less productive every day? Being unproductive makes you feel like you are not accomplishing the things you need to do. Well, worry no more because, in this article,
July 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Top 4 Advantages of SMEs When They Go Digital
In the age where everything is almost digital, businesses are being digital as well. Being digital makes a business cope up with how fast the world works and that’s not the only advantage it gives.
July 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Secret eLearning strategies you can steal
Due to the increasing demand for eLearning in both academic and professional settings, decision-makers are becoming more interested in incorporating this method not only because of its popularity but also to reap the benefits it can provide to their organization. Let’s explore the top eLearning strategies that can make a significant impact on your team's training.
June 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Advantages of Business Online
Are your profit not enough? Is business quite slow because of your competition? Do you feel like there’s a missing factor in your business?
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Make an Effective Report
Making a report is sometimes an awful task to do for others because it’s time-consuming and requires research which is boring for some. But doing reports shouldn’t feel like a workload because it can be done easily as long as you know what you are doing.
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Traits That Every Community Leader Must Have
For a community to be in the order they have a community leader that guides them towards their improvement. But how does one become an effective community leader? Here are 5 traits that you can follow.
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Venture in 360 Panorama Video
I bet you have heard of Facebook’s 360 Panorama pictures and people are stoked by it. But did you know that 360 Panorama is even better when it’s in video form?
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Create a Remarkable Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing is already a great way to entice customers towards your products or services but is it enough to leave a huge mark on your target market?
June 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Tips on How to be Productive During the Rainy Season
Rainy season usually hinders us to go do the things we need to do. It’s either you can’t do your activities because it’s raining or the weather is #sweaterweather and it makes you stay longer in bed. But the rain shouldn’t stop you from being productive.
June 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Hire a Marketing Specialist?
Before a company launch a new product or do its own marketing campaign or create a new product, they first seek the consultation of a marketing specialist.
June 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Hashtag Marketing: How Hashtags Can Help You In Your #OnlineMarketing
Whether you’re on Facebook Twitter or Instagram you’ve probably encountered words with a pound sign (#) before them, #likethis. In case you didn’t know, these are called hashtags.
June 19, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Help Your Community in Small Ways
A community is an important factor for an individual’s growth but sometimes we need to give back to our community as well. Here are small ways on how you can help your community.
June 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Bible Verses to Strengthen Your Family Ties
We’ve all heard of the saying that goes “A family that prays together, stays together.” and that is true. A God-centric family has closer ties with one another and can endure any trial they come across with.
June 11, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How VR Change the Game for Experiential Marketing
Virtual Reality (VR) has been dominating the world of technology since 2016. It has been conquering industries like entertainment, gaming and of course marketing. But how does it rule the world of marketing? Specifically in experiential marketing.
June 7, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
7 Productive Activities You Can Do During Vacation
It's vacation time, school is out for a while and you've got the rest of summer to enjoy. Now, what's next? It would be a waste of time if you just lay in bed, watch TV and use your phone. Why not try a new activity?
June 6, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Front End vs. Back End Developer: Who works with what?
If you are not familiar with the world of Information Technology, you probably haven’t heard of the terms front end and back end developers. You might say they are just two peas in a pod both are IT developers.
June 6, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Small Business Dreams To Reality
Are you a small business owner who is starting up or someone who is looking for ways to promote your company? Thinking of ways how to catch up with the competition?
June 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
What is Social Media Marketing?
It is the usage of social networking sites (SNS) of companies for the promotion of their brand, services or product. This is an effective strategy since majority of the world's population are active on social media
June 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Tips On How Your Family Can Save Money
Having a budget is a must especially when you have your own family. You’ll be paying bills, your children’s school fees, and buying commodities your family needs. So how can your family save up money? Here’s how.
June 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Ways AR / VR Impacts the World of eLearning
Augmented and Virtual Reality has innovated the world of gaming. With the likes of Pokemon Go being a hit in the market, it really does make its way in today’s world. But how does it dominate the world of eLearning? Here's how AR and VR will impact the world of elearning.
June 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Easy Tips On How to Learn English
The English language. For others, they shy away whenever they encounter the language. The English language is inevitable, you’ll encounter it when you go to work, when you deal with formal letters, when you talk to clients and when you do business transactions.
June 1, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Quotes from Jack Ma that You Should Ponder
Business mogul and founder of Chinese e-commerce company, Alibaba Jack Ma is a leader in the tech industry. He serves as an inspiration to other tech leaders as well making him influential in the world of technology.
June 1, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Should Retail Businesses Use AR?
With the rise of Pokémon Go, augmented reality has stepped out a bit from its shadow that is caused by virtual reality. Compared to VR, AR does not replace the user’s natural world with a digital or virtual one.
May 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Questions Before Using Gamification In Your Experiential Marketing
Gamification is becoming a common strategy in experiential marketing where customers can engage with your business/brand through games that are incorporated into your marketing. This is a good strategy for getting consumer data that you can use for your marketing.
May 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Things To Increase Productivity On Your Company Vlog
The biggest companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix said that their companies are 40% productive than the other average companies. How do these companies make their productivity achieved better than others?
May 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Develop Your Business With The Help Of A Mobile Developer
Smartphone users are increasing year by year that’s why mobile apps for businesses are being developed and there is a demand for mobile developers. Your business needs to catch up with the rest of the competition, what should you do? HIRE A MOBILE DEVELOPER!
May 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Common Questions of SMEs about Mobile Apps
Have you noticed how tech-savvy businesses are nowadays? Big companies from every industry have an app. From banking up to fast food chains, there's an app created for them. Now, your business belongs to the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
May 29, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Add Creative Branding To Your Marketing
In this video, we will give you an overview of some creative branding we provide that will help you in your marketing efforts and increase the size of your business opportunity. This is brought to you by Miyens Team.
May 29, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of using a Learning Management System or LMS
eLearning is an innovation for a person’s learning process. It has impacted both academic institutions and corporations which means it’s applicable both to students and professionals. Here are other benefits of using A Learning Management System or LMS.
May 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Studying Tips You Can Use For The Next School Year
So the school year just ended and you feel that you haven't brought your A-game yet. Don't worry, there's still another school year where you can regroup yourself.
May 25, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Bible Verses To Help You Become An Effective Leader
In every aspect of our lives, there is a leader. In our school or work, in our communities and even in our churches A LEADER IS ALWAYS PRESENT.
May 25, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Technology Being An Essential To Education
The education system has evolved throughout the years. It keeps up with today's technology, innovating how teachers teach and students learn, making it an essential in learning.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Ways On How To Be Productive After Graduation
You’ve just graduated from college and you want to spend some time to enjoy life as a fresh grad. What will you do next? Well, in this video are 4 ways on how to be productive after graduation.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Experiential Marketing Myths
If you are a business owner who’s planning to do an experiential marketing for your business, you might have heard a few myths about it.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Creative Contribution of a Graphic Designer to Your Company
Have you seen a boring and unattractive marketing material from businesses? The ones that you wouldn't bother to look at because it's not that pleasing.
May 23, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Should Choose Digital Marketing
Traditional marketing is out, digital marketing is in! Digital marketing is the fastest, cheapest and most efficient way to advertise. When everyone in the business is thinking of ways to step up,
May 22, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How To Improve Website and Social Media Traffic
Establishing your online reputation as a go-to resource is a big edge among your competition and is an indicator that you have made a lasting impression in your customer’s mind.
May 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why use gamification in eLearning?
Here at Miyens, we can develop and customize gamification that fits your company and institution perfectly. But you may ask, "Why do we need to incorporate gamification?"
May 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Best Way to Memorize
There are different types of learners in this world and we as human beings have different skills and capabilities. In terms of cognitive aspect, whether you are memorizing the dates in your History Class
May 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Group Task Roles
Every organization has a team who has a different set of a task but with the same goal, this is the so-called “Group Task Roles”.
May 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Having a Mobile Application For Your Business
Smartphones became an all in one tech companion for most people since you can do all things in this small piece of gadget, from communication down to entertainment there's a mobile application that can be downloaded on your smartphones.
May 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Needs a Technical Writer
Most businesses do not see the importance of having a technical writer. But little do they know that having a writer is as important as having a sales agent.
May 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Start Up your Business Online?
If you are a starter in the world of business and you have lots of things in mind but don’t have an idea where to start, this article is for you!
May 8, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How To Make Your Video Ads Be More Effective
As a business owner, you want to invest in things that would help your business to prosper like investing in advertising. For many years, traditional advertising (TV/Radio ads and print ads) has been used by advertisers,
May 8, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Mobile Learning: Integration of Learning Through Mobile
A lot of business owners want to provide special training to their employees. Most of the companies said that investing in their employees’ proper training can deliver better service to their clients. Let's learn how we can integrate elearning through mobile.
May 7, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Taking Risks Towards Success
Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg didn't found and established Apple and Facebook overnight. They did a lot of hard work but most importantly they took risks, — A LOT OF IT.
May 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
7 Advantages of Having a Smart Digital Signage
If you are a business owner, you are probably investing in something to promote your business. There will be a different gimmick to market your product and services, but have you ever consider switching to Smart Digital Signage?
May 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Can You Avoid An “Epic Fail” Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing aims to entice customers not just through words and images but through experiencing the product itself. With this, customers are highly engaged towards the product since it creates an unforgettable experience for the making this marketing strategy effective.
May 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
6 Things You Can Do to Boost Up Your Productivity Before 8 AM
Are you thinking about how to kick-start your day right and make it productive? Here are 6 tips you can do before 8 am to make yourself feeling productive!
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant
Entrepreneurs, who succeed with their business ventures, perform two things very well. First, they formulate and apply business objectives strategically. Second, they smartly utilize available resources.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Effective Ways to Make Better eLearning Courses
Did you know that eLearning is becoming an ever popular method of training people because compared to traditional learning approaches it’s more accessible, less expensive and effective way of gaining skills? Here are effective ways to make better eLearning courses.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why use customized eLearning courses in training your employees
Have you considered converting your traditional and classroom training programs into eLearning? Ever wonder how to improve your training process? Why do you need to consider using customized eLearning courses in training your employees ?
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Web and Marketing Services For Your Business
So your competitors are into online marketing and you feel like you’re left behind? You can still catch up or be ahead of the competition. Starting your online marketing services shouldn’t be that complicated and pricey especially when you get the right help from the right people.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Starter Pack for Online Presence
So you plan to put up your own business or you have one already. You think you're done with the process, but it doesn’t stop there. You still need to establish a strong online presence in order for your online business to be successful.
April 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Technology Helps SMEs in Growing
Technology plus Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Is it an unlikely tandem? Well for others yes. They think SMEs cannot catch up with the big names in the business when the truth is, THEY CAN! How? With the help of technology.
April 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Incorporating Blended Learning
Most of us are accustomed to the traditional set up of learning - your typical classroom setting. Let's admit it, this method of teaching is not that effective anymore. Our educational system has innovated, all thanks to technology.
April 23, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Mobile Apps Can Help Your Business
In this time and age where the world's population owns a smartphone, people rely on their phones more than ever since it's their go-to device for almost every task. From communication up to transportation, a smartphone can deliver to that, that's why companies opt to have a mobile app for their products and services.
April 16, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Reward System and Motivation
When we were kids, our parents taught us that in able for us to get the toy or candy that we badly want as kids, we need to behave or get good grades. Little did we know that this kind of system will be carried on up until to our adulthood, specifically when we work.
April 12, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
The Importance of SWOT Analysis for Businesses
When you’re starting to put up your physical and online business, you have to assess where do you stand as an owner, supplier and a competitor. How to do this? Use SWOT analysis!
April 12, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to use Social Media Marketing to Grow your Business
It’s a competitive world out there so you’ve got to keep up with your competition and with your customers as well. You need to make sure that you have a strong online presence. Actively post content online so that your customers are updated.
April 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Mobile Integrated eLearning
Let’s assume that your people have smartphones, tablets, and computers that can connect to the internet at any given time. Does it come to your mind that we can use their mobile accessibility to let them access your training programs conveniently and real-time? Now you know!
April 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Using Instructional or Explainer Video in delivering online training.
Instructional video materials are becoming popular and people are entertained and fascinated with these kinds of videos. But there's more to it than just being entertaining and fascinating. Here are some benefits of of using instructional video material.
March 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Introduce or Promote Your Products and Services through Videos
Communicate what you can offer using videos that you can post online and people can easily share! This is one of the most cost-effective and proven ways to reach your target audience!
March 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Gamification for Learning and Marketing
Did you know that there’s a new trend in the marketing and learning industry today and it is called GAMIFICATION? It is a technique that improves the way how people can experience and interact with your learning or marketing materials. Learn why we should consider gamification on learning and marketing.
March 14, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Use video marketing to win new customers
January 19, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Workplace Words to Live by
If you're an entrepreneur like me or a professional who works with different teams and projects, you know that we face a lot of challenges every day.
January 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Miyens Holiday Greeting 2017
From all of us here at Miyens we greet you a Happy Holidays. We wish everyone a meaningful Christmas and a Bountiful New Year! Looking forward to a more creative 2018!
December 29, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Team Building 2018
December 8, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Importance of your Online Presence
Today, online presence is important whether it's for educational institution, work and offices and any other business.
October 5, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Millennial Businessman’s Secret Revealed
If you live in the Millennial age and you’re a business owner most probably you recognise the impact of video marketing and the benefits it can give to your business.
September 25, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Video Tells the Story Better
This promotional video gives the user an idea how big and powerful video marketing in todays world.
September 25, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Custom eLearning Development Services
Is your HR or Training Department in need of a customized eLearning course development for your online training programs? Why don't you try some custom eLearning development services that elearning industries' provides? Learn what are these custom development services that we are using in eLearning.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of eLearning to an organization
Have you heard about eLearning? E-learning is one of the most effective online teaching and learning platforms to use. eLearning can help you optimize organizations whatever industry they're in. It's most efficient online teaching and learning strategy available now. Here are some benefits of eLearning to an organization
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Advantages of mobile eLearning
Are you a member of the learning and development team seeking a hassle-free delivery of learning materials? Or perhaps you're tasked with delivering training programs to hundreds or even thousands of individuals. Imagine if your team members had access to smartphones, tablets, and computers connected to the internet at all times. Have you considered leveraging this mobile accessibility to provide them with convenient, real-time access to your training programs? Now, that's a possibility!
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Can Software Simulation Boost Employee Retention?
Technical fields such as computer-based courses deal with specific program or software to be used. With this, it must be concise and in a step-by-step process so people will learn easily and retain the information given to them. How can you be able to software simulations to boost employee retentions.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Gaming while Learning, is it possible?
Being a part of HR or Training Department in the modern world of fast-paced learning is very, very challenging. Especially because people tend to recall less information through reading and hearing. We can different strategies that can help people to easily recall certain informations. Here's how we can able to use gaming as learning strategy.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Are you a business owner or do you manage one? Ever wonder how to get more customers and by the use of digital marketing?
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Excellence for 2012
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Miyens Wins Sunverde Account
We are proud to announce that MIYENS has been awarded as the website admin and creative agency to handle Sunverde Business Center.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
New Sleep Innovations Website
The Miyens team is proud to announce the launch of Sleep Innovations new website. The website highlights the company’s innovative products and major breakthrough in sleep technology.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Pretty Posh Events Website is now live!
We are proud to announce that we have successfully launched Pretty Posh Events website. Notable Features of the website: Powered by WordPress for easy updating, SEO, blog system, Elegant homepage with splash/intro, Music Player, Gallery of Events, Beautiful Services and Praise/Press page.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Nat Whitten Incorporated Version 2.0 has been launched!
Notable Features of the website: Powered by WordPress for easy updating, SEO, blog system, Their featured work and case study page, Extracurricular.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Ville Sommet is now live!
Our team is very glad to launch this Ville Sommet website that is ideal for Weddings, Receptions and Corporate Events as well.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
When “Procrastination” meets “Creative block”
We all encounter this awkward situation where we feel like there’s nothing to do, in the most intense situation where we needed it to be...
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Does being MESSY promotes CREATIVITY?
If I were be asked if “being messy” promotes “CREATIVITY”, I would say, YES! SOMETIMES! According to psychological studies..
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Ready Website
On recent studies there are about 2.6 billion mobile users worldwide. The chances that your prospects will browse your website using their mobile devices is about 87%!
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Why use social media to market your business
It is a necessity in today’s generation for an entrepreneur to have social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms to easily promote your business.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Attract customers by using attention grabbing photos
People are easily attracted when they see something beautiful. Lengthy posts on your blogs could be boring and your readers might lose interest in finishing your article.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Use video marketing to win new customers
Videos grab viewers attention and it allows people to see, hear and experience what you want to convey. Your video could go viral and gain a lot of shares on social media.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Why blogging is important to market your business
Blogging is a powerful tool for you to provide information by creating various articles that will be posted within your website or within your social media properties.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Join online communities to grow your business
Prominent online communities and social media group can make your business well-known and at the same time, you will have the knowledge about your possible customers.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Importance of “Call to Action” in Customer Conversion
Ever wonder why your conversion rate is low? Then one way to increase that is to improve your “call to action” or CTA on your sales and marketing materials.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Partner with Experts
While online marketing is fun, it is also challenging and will require dedication and time. For you to achieve the excellent digital marketing strategies, we suggest that you consult with experts in crafting your strategies.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan112
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Interactive Video for eLearning Sample
Here at Miyens, we can develop and customize gamification that fits your company and institution perfectly. But you may ask, "Why do we need to incorporate gamification?"
March 13, 2023/by Chris Ilagan
MSME Insights Episode 14: Securing Sensitive Data
For the first episode of MIYENS SME Insight we get to know Mike, a startup business owner who gets help from his business strategy consultant from Miyens which is Anna. In this episode, we get to know the difference between a startup business and a small to medium enterprise (SME) and how these businesses have their own challenges and opportunities.
February 6, 2022/by Miyens
6 Bible Verses To Keep You Motivated Everyday
April 17, 2019/by Miyens
AR and VR Changing the Food Industry
If you are a business from the food industry, Miyens offers affordable AR/VR services like 360 Panorama Virtual Reality Tours and Augmented Reality Apps that can help you provide good food and service to your customers.
August 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Needs a Customer Support Representative
Customer Service is a difficult task to handle and it is not for the onion-skinned nor for the weak heart. That’s why companies hire customer support representatives that are up for the job description.
August 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Tips for a better collaboration
Not all of us are fond of group works. Some choose to do task individually while others prefer in collaborating with people they are comfortable with. But whether we like it or not, group collaborations are inevitable.
August 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
MSME Insights Episode 13: Outsource To Get Things Done
For the thirteenth episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Anna introduces outsourcing to her both of her clients, Mike and Jenny. She explains how outsourcing goes, how it can help businesses and other benefits when a business outsource its talents.
August 14, 2018/by Miyens
Why Consider eLearning?
Why Consider eLearning? We are currently living in the 21st century and today, there is an enhancement in tech trends such as new gadgets, computer software, and other applications. Considering that our society is now fast-paced, we need to keep up with its movement.
August 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Write a Good Essay
Do you remember the time when your English teacher told you to write an essay regarding a certain topic? Your classmates were either having the following reactions: Thrilled, nonchalant or horrified.
August 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How SMEs Can do Experiential Marketing
Just like big businesses in the industry, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) needs marketing strategies like experiential marketing, but there’s a common misconception about it, SMEs can’t afford it hence making it impossible for them to do this marketing tactic.
August 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Team Miyens
August 3, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 15: Your WordPress Website
For the last episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Anna talks about Jenny and her blogs using Wordpress. She explains the use of Wordpress to businesses, how to maintain a Wordpress website and how TEAM MIYENS helps Jenny in maintaining her Wordpress website.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 12: Maximizing Free Tools For Your Work
For this MIYENS SME Insights episode, Anna teaches Jenny on how to maximize free tools to her advantage. Anna also explains the functions of different free tools and how it can make her business transactions and work easier.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 11: Gaining Customers Using Immersive Technology
In this episode, Mike approaches Anna to help him step up his marketing. Anna gives him an creative solution in the form of immersive marketing. Anna explains the different immersive technologies that can be customized based on Mike's business and how MIYENS can provide him with immersive marketing solutions
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 9: How To Be On Top Of Searches (Paid Ads)
In this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, we get to know Jenny, another struggling online entrepreneur. She seeks help from Anna on how to increase her online website’s sales. Anna’s solution?
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 8: How To Be On Top Of Searches (SEO)
For the eighth episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike discovers that his business website is not optimized. His business consultant Anna explains what an optimized website means,
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 5: Building Your Online Followers
For this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, our favorite businessman Mike now learns how to establish his online followers for his business. He gets tips on how to attract the right followers and how to make social media pages worth following.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 2: Having Your Own Website
For this episode of Miyens SME Insights, Anna guides Mike as he learns the importance of having a website for his business and the steps Mike needs to do in having one.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 1: Introduction
For the first episode of MIYENS SME Insight we get to know Mike, a startup business owner who gets help from his business strategy consultant from Miyens which is Anna. In this episode, we get to know the difference between a startup business and a small to medium enterprise (SME) and how these businesses have their own challenges and opportunities.
July 31, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 10: Stepping Up With A Mobile App
For MIYENS SME Insights, Jenny deals with the reach of her business good thing Anna is there to save the day. She suggests the idea of having a mobile app for Jenny’s business instead of only having a website. Anna explains to Jenny what a mobile a mobile app can do and the benefits of having one for her business.
July 25, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 7: Grow Your Business With Video (Part 2)
On the second part of the episode “Grow your business with video” Mike learns other video marketing materials that he can do for his business, how it works and how he can use it for his business.
July 24, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 6: Grow Your Business With Video (Part 1)
In this two part episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike gets help from Anna on how to come up with content for his social media in video form. She tells Mike the benefits of posting video content on social media, the types of video content you can post on social media and how it can be helpful for businesses.
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 4: Being Mobile Ready
For this episode of MIYENS SME Insights, Mike through the help and guidance of Anna, gets to know the importance of having a website that is mobile ready, the benefits it brings to the business and how TEAM MIYENS can help businesses in equipping themselves with a mobile ready website.
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
MSME Insights Episode 3: Establishing Social Media Presence
In this third episode of Miyens SME Insights, Mike figures out how to establish a business’ social media presence with the help of his business strategy consultant from MIYENS, Anna. She helps Mike identify the right platform to use
July 23, 2018/by Miyens
How Social Media Can Help SMEs
The main problem of Small and Medium Enterprises is that they get little exposure since they are competing with establishments that have been in the business for some time.
July 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Augmented Reality (AR) Help Us Understand History Better
We all know that history can be quite boring as a subject. Remembering all those historical dates and people who shaped our history now can be a laborious task to do sometimes. But with the help of augmented reality, you’ll find history interesting.
July 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Tips on How to be Productive on a Daily Basis
Do you feel less productive every day? Being unproductive makes you feel like you are not accomplishing the things you need to do. Well, worry no more because, in this article,
July 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Top 4 Advantages of SMEs When They Go Digital
In the age where everything is almost digital, businesses are being digital as well. Being digital makes a business cope up with how fast the world works and that’s not the only advantage it gives.
July 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Secret eLearning strategies you can steal
Due to the increasing demand for eLearning in both academic and professional settings, decision-makers are becoming more interested in incorporating this method not only because of its popularity but also to reap the benefits it can provide to their organization. Let’s explore the top eLearning strategies that can make a significant impact on your team's training.
June 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Advantages of Business Online
Are your profit not enough? Is business quite slow because of your competition? Do you feel like there’s a missing factor in your business?
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Make an Effective Report
Making a report is sometimes an awful task to do for others because it’s time-consuming and requires research which is boring for some. But doing reports shouldn’t feel like a workload because it can be done easily as long as you know what you are doing.
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Traits That Every Community Leader Must Have
For a community to be in the order they have a community leader that guides them towards their improvement. But how does one become an effective community leader? Here are 5 traits that you can follow.
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Venture in 360 Panorama Video
I bet you have heard of Facebook’s 360 Panorama pictures and people are stoked by it. But did you know that 360 Panorama is even better when it’s in video form?
June 27, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Create a Remarkable Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing is already a great way to entice customers towards your products or services but is it enough to leave a huge mark on your target market?
June 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Tips on How to be Productive During the Rainy Season
Rainy season usually hinders us to go do the things we need to do. It’s either you can’t do your activities because it’s raining or the weather is #sweaterweather and it makes you stay longer in bed. But the rain shouldn’t stop you from being productive.
June 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Hire a Marketing Specialist?
Before a company launch a new product or do its own marketing campaign or create a new product, they first seek the consultation of a marketing specialist.
June 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Hashtag Marketing: How Hashtags Can Help You In Your #OnlineMarketing
Whether you’re on Facebook Twitter or Instagram you’ve probably encountered words with a pound sign (#) before them, #likethis. In case you didn’t know, these are called hashtags.
June 19, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Help Your Community in Small Ways
A community is an important factor for an individual’s growth but sometimes we need to give back to our community as well. Here are small ways on how you can help your community.
June 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Bible Verses to Strengthen Your Family Ties
We’ve all heard of the saying that goes “A family that prays together, stays together.” and that is true. A God-centric family has closer ties with one another and can endure any trial they come across with.
June 11, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How VR Change the Game for Experiential Marketing
Virtual Reality (VR) has been dominating the world of technology since 2016. It has been conquering industries like entertainment, gaming and of course marketing. But how does it rule the world of marketing? Specifically in experiential marketing.
June 7, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
7 Productive Activities You Can Do During Vacation
It's vacation time, school is out for a while and you've got the rest of summer to enjoy. Now, what's next? It would be a waste of time if you just lay in bed, watch TV and use your phone. Why not try a new activity?
June 6, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Front End vs. Back End Developer: Who works with what?
If you are not familiar with the world of Information Technology, you probably haven’t heard of the terms front end and back end developers. You might say they are just two peas in a pod both are IT developers.
June 6, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Small Business Dreams To Reality
Are you a small business owner who is starting up or someone who is looking for ways to promote your company? Thinking of ways how to catch up with the competition?
June 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
What is Social Media Marketing?
It is the usage of social networking sites (SNS) of companies for the promotion of their brand, services or product. This is an effective strategy since majority of the world's population are active on social media
June 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Tips On How Your Family Can Save Money
Having a budget is a must especially when you have your own family. You’ll be paying bills, your children’s school fees, and buying commodities your family needs. So how can your family save up money? Here’s how.
June 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Ways AR / VR Impacts the World of eLearning
Augmented and Virtual Reality has innovated the world of gaming. With the likes of Pokemon Go being a hit in the market, it really does make its way in today’s world. But how does it dominate the world of eLearning? Here's how AR and VR will impact the world of elearning.
June 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Easy Tips On How to Learn English
The English language. For others, they shy away whenever they encounter the language. The English language is inevitable, you’ll encounter it when you go to work, when you deal with formal letters, when you talk to clients and when you do business transactions.
June 1, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Quotes from Jack Ma that You Should Ponder
Business mogul and founder of Chinese e-commerce company, Alibaba Jack Ma is a leader in the tech industry. He serves as an inspiration to other tech leaders as well making him influential in the world of technology.
June 1, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Should Retail Businesses Use AR?
With the rise of Pokémon Go, augmented reality has stepped out a bit from its shadow that is caused by virtual reality. Compared to VR, AR does not replace the user’s natural world with a digital or virtual one.
May 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Questions Before Using Gamification In Your Experiential Marketing
Gamification is becoming a common strategy in experiential marketing where customers can engage with your business/brand through games that are incorporated into your marketing. This is a good strategy for getting consumer data that you can use for your marketing.
May 31, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Things To Increase Productivity On Your Company Vlog
The biggest companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix said that their companies are 40% productive than the other average companies. How do these companies make their productivity achieved better than others?
May 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Develop Your Business With The Help Of A Mobile Developer
Smartphone users are increasing year by year that’s why mobile apps for businesses are being developed and there is a demand for mobile developers. Your business needs to catch up with the rest of the competition, what should you do? HIRE A MOBILE DEVELOPER!
May 30, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Common Questions of SMEs about Mobile Apps
Have you noticed how tech-savvy businesses are nowadays? Big companies from every industry have an app. From banking up to fast food chains, there's an app created for them. Now, your business belongs to the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
May 29, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Add Creative Branding To Your Marketing
In this video, we will give you an overview of some creative branding we provide that will help you in your marketing efforts and increase the size of your business opportunity. This is brought to you by Miyens Team.
May 29, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of using a Learning Management System or LMS
eLearning is an innovation for a person’s learning process. It has impacted both academic institutions and corporations which means it’s applicable both to students and professionals. Here are other benefits of using A Learning Management System or LMS.
May 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Studying Tips You Can Use For The Next School Year
So the school year just ended and you feel that you haven't brought your A-game yet. Don't worry, there's still another school year where you can regroup yourself.
May 25, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
5 Bible Verses To Help You Become An Effective Leader
In every aspect of our lives, there is a leader. In our school or work, in our communities and even in our churches A LEADER IS ALWAYS PRESENT.
May 25, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Technology Being An Essential To Education
The education system has evolved throughout the years. It keeps up with today's technology, innovating how teachers teach and students learn, making it an essential in learning.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
4 Ways On How To Be Productive After Graduation
You’ve just graduated from college and you want to spend some time to enjoy life as a fresh grad. What will you do next? Well, in this video are 4 ways on how to be productive after graduation.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Experiential Marketing Myths
If you are a business owner who’s planning to do an experiential marketing for your business, you might have heard a few myths about it.
May 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Creative Contribution of a Graphic Designer to Your Company
Have you seen a boring and unattractive marketing material from businesses? The ones that you wouldn't bother to look at because it's not that pleasing.
May 23, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Should Choose Digital Marketing
Traditional marketing is out, digital marketing is in! Digital marketing is the fastest, cheapest and most efficient way to advertise. When everyone in the business is thinking of ways to step up,
May 22, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How To Improve Website and Social Media Traffic
Establishing your online reputation as a go-to resource is a big edge among your competition and is an indicator that you have made a lasting impression in your customer’s mind.
May 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why use gamification in eLearning?
Here at Miyens, we can develop and customize gamification that fits your company and institution perfectly. But you may ask, "Why do we need to incorporate gamification?"
May 21, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Best Way to Memorize
There are different types of learners in this world and we as human beings have different skills and capabilities. In terms of cognitive aspect, whether you are memorizing the dates in your History Class
May 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Group Task Roles
Every organization has a team who has a different set of a task but with the same goal, this is the so-called “Group Task Roles”.
May 18, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Having a Mobile Application For Your Business
Smartphones became an all in one tech companion for most people since you can do all things in this small piece of gadget, from communication down to entertainment there's a mobile application that can be downloaded on your smartphones.
May 10, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why Your Business Needs a Technical Writer
Most businesses do not see the importance of having a technical writer. But little do they know that having a writer is as important as having a sales agent.
May 9, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Start Up your Business Online?
If you are a starter in the world of business and you have lots of things in mind but don’t have an idea where to start, this article is for you!
May 8, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How To Make Your Video Ads Be More Effective
As a business owner, you want to invest in things that would help your business to prosper like investing in advertising. For many years, traditional advertising (TV/Radio ads and print ads) has been used by advertisers,
May 8, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Mobile Learning: Integration of Learning Through Mobile
A lot of business owners want to provide special training to their employees. Most of the companies said that investing in their employees’ proper training can deliver better service to their clients. Let's learn how we can integrate elearning through mobile.
May 7, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Taking Risks Towards Success
Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg didn't found and established Apple and Facebook overnight. They did a lot of hard work but most importantly they took risks, — A LOT OF IT.
May 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
7 Advantages of Having a Smart Digital Signage
If you are a business owner, you are probably investing in something to promote your business. There will be a different gimmick to market your product and services, but have you ever consider switching to Smart Digital Signage?
May 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Can You Avoid An “Epic Fail” Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing aims to entice customers not just through words and images but through experiencing the product itself. With this, customers are highly engaged towards the product since it creates an unforgettable experience for the making this marketing strategy effective.
May 3, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
6 Things You Can Do to Boost Up Your Productivity Before 8 AM
Are you thinking about how to kick-start your day right and make it productive? Here are 6 tips you can do before 8 am to make yourself feeling productive!
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant
Entrepreneurs, who succeed with their business ventures, perform two things very well. First, they formulate and apply business objectives strategically. Second, they smartly utilize available resources.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Effective Ways to Make Better eLearning Courses
Did you know that eLearning is becoming an ever popular method of training people because compared to traditional learning approaches it’s more accessible, less expensive and effective way of gaining skills? Here are effective ways to make better eLearning courses.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Why use customized eLearning courses in training your employees
Have you considered converting your traditional and classroom training programs into eLearning? Ever wonder how to improve your training process? Why do you need to consider using customized eLearning courses in training your employees ?
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Web and Marketing Services For Your Business
So your competitors are into online marketing and you feel like you’re left behind? You can still catch up or be ahead of the competition. Starting your online marketing services shouldn’t be that complicated and pricey especially when you get the right help from the right people.
May 2, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Starter Pack for Online Presence
So you plan to put up your own business or you have one already. You think you're done with the process, but it doesn’t stop there. You still need to establish a strong online presence in order for your online business to be successful.
April 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Technology Helps SMEs in Growing
Technology plus Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Is it an unlikely tandem? Well for others yes. They think SMEs cannot catch up with the big names in the business when the truth is, THEY CAN! How? With the help of technology.
April 24, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Incorporating Blended Learning
Most of us are accustomed to the traditional set up of learning - your typical classroom setting. Let's admit it, this method of teaching is not that effective anymore. Our educational system has innovated, all thanks to technology.
April 23, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How Mobile Apps Can Help Your Business
In this time and age where the world's population owns a smartphone, people rely on their phones more than ever since it's their go-to device for almost every task. From communication up to transportation, a smartphone can deliver to that, that's why companies opt to have a mobile app for their products and services.
April 16, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Reward System and Motivation
When we were kids, our parents taught us that in able for us to get the toy or candy that we badly want as kids, we need to behave or get good grades. Little did we know that this kind of system will be carried on up until to our adulthood, specifically when we work.
April 12, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
The Importance of SWOT Analysis for Businesses
When you’re starting to put up your physical and online business, you have to assess where do you stand as an owner, supplier and a competitor. How to do this? Use SWOT analysis!
April 12, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to use Social Media Marketing to Grow your Business
It’s a competitive world out there so you’ve got to keep up with your competition and with your customers as well. You need to make sure that you have a strong online presence. Actively post content online so that your customers are updated.
April 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Mobile Integrated eLearning
Let’s assume that your people have smartphones, tablets, and computers that can connect to the internet at any given time. Does it come to your mind that we can use their mobile accessibility to let them access your training programs conveniently and real-time? Now you know!
April 5, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of Using Instructional or Explainer Video in delivering online training.
Instructional video materials are becoming popular and people are entertained and fascinated with these kinds of videos. But there's more to it than just being entertaining and fascinating. Here are some benefits of of using instructional video material.
March 28, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
How to Introduce or Promote Your Products and Services through Videos
Communicate what you can offer using videos that you can post online and people can easily share! This is one of the most cost-effective and proven ways to reach your target audience!
March 20, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Gamification for Learning and Marketing
Did you know that there’s a new trend in the marketing and learning industry today and it is called GAMIFICATION? It is a technique that improves the way how people can experience and interact with your learning or marketing materials. Learn why we should consider gamification on learning and marketing.
March 14, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Use video marketing to win new customers
January 19, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Workplace Words to Live by
If you're an entrepreneur like me or a professional who works with different teams and projects, you know that we face a lot of challenges every day.
January 4, 2018/by Chris Ilagan
Miyens Holiday Greeting 2017
From all of us here at Miyens we greet you a Happy Holidays. We wish everyone a meaningful Christmas and a Bountiful New Year! Looking forward to a more creative 2018!
December 29, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Team Building 2018
December 8, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Importance of your Online Presence
Today, online presence is important whether it's for educational institution, work and offices and any other business.
October 5, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Millennial Businessman’s Secret Revealed
If you live in the Millennial age and you’re a business owner most probably you recognise the impact of video marketing and the benefits it can give to your business.
September 25, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Video Tells the Story Better
This promotional video gives the user an idea how big and powerful video marketing in todays world.
September 25, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Custom eLearning Development Services
Is your HR or Training Department in need of a customized eLearning course development for your online training programs? Why don't you try some custom eLearning development services that elearning industries' provides? Learn what are these custom development services that we are using in eLearning.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Benefits of eLearning to an organization
Have you heard about eLearning? E-learning is one of the most effective online teaching and learning platforms to use. eLearning can help you optimize organizations whatever industry they're in. It's most efficient online teaching and learning strategy available now. Here are some benefits of eLearning to an organization
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Advantages of mobile eLearning
Are you a member of the learning and development team seeking a hassle-free delivery of learning materials? Or perhaps you're tasked with delivering training programs to hundreds or even thousands of individuals. Imagine if your team members had access to smartphones, tablets, and computers connected to the internet at all times. Have you considered leveraging this mobile accessibility to provide them with convenient, real-time access to your training programs? Now, that's a possibility!
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Can Software Simulation Boost Employee Retention?
Technical fields such as computer-based courses deal with specific program or software to be used. With this, it must be concise and in a step-by-step process so people will learn easily and retain the information given to them. How can you be able to software simulations to boost employee retentions.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Gaming while Learning, is it possible?
Being a part of HR or Training Department in the modern world of fast-paced learning is very, very challenging. Especially because people tend to recall less information through reading and hearing. We can different strategies that can help people to easily recall certain informations. Here's how we can able to use gaming as learning strategy.
September 18, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Are you a business owner or do you manage one? Ever wonder how to get more customers and by the use of digital marketing?
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Excellence for 2012
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Miyens Wins Sunverde Account
We are proud to announce that MIYENS has been awarded as the website admin and creative agency to handle Sunverde Business Center.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
New Sleep Innovations Website
The Miyens team is proud to announce the launch of Sleep Innovations new website. The website highlights the company’s innovative products and major breakthrough in sleep technology.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Pretty Posh Events Website is now live!
We are proud to announce that we have successfully launched Pretty Posh Events website. Notable Features of the website: Powered by WordPress for easy updating, SEO, blog system, Elegant homepage with splash/intro, Music Player, Gallery of Events, Beautiful Services and Praise/Press page.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Nat Whitten Incorporated Version 2.0 has been launched!
Notable Features of the website: Powered by WordPress for easy updating, SEO, blog system, Their featured work and case study page, Extracurricular.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Ville Sommet is now live!
Our team is very glad to launch this Ville Sommet website that is ideal for Weddings, Receptions and Corporate Events as well.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
When “Procrastination” meets “Creative block”
We all encounter this awkward situation where we feel like there’s nothing to do, in the most intense situation where we needed it to be...
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
Does being MESSY promotes CREATIVITY?
If I were be asked if “being messy” promotes “CREATIVITY”, I would say, YES! SOMETIMES! According to psychological studies..
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Ready Website
On recent studies there are about 2.6 billion mobile users worldwide. The chances that your prospects will browse your website using their mobile devices is about 87%!
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Why use social media to market your business
It is a necessity in today’s generation for an entrepreneur to have social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms to easily promote your business.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Attract customers by using attention grabbing photos
People are easily attracted when they see something beautiful. Lengthy posts on your blogs could be boring and your readers might lose interest in finishing your article.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Use video marketing to win new customers
Videos grab viewers attention and it allows people to see, hear and experience what you want to convey. Your video could go viral and gain a lot of shares on social media.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Why blogging is important to market your business
Blogging is a powerful tool for you to provide information by creating various articles that will be posted within your website or within your social media properties.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Join online communities to grow your business
Prominent online communities and social media group can make your business well-known and at the same time, you will have the knowledge about your possible customers.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Importance of “Call to Action” in Customer Conversion
Ever wonder why your conversion rate is low? Then one way to increase that is to improve your “call to action” or CTA on your sales and marketing materials.
August 30, 2017/by Chris Ilagan
DM Tips: Partner with Experts
While online marketing is fun, it is also challenging and will require dedication and time. For you to achieve the excellent digital marketing strategies, we suggest that you consult with experts in crafting your strategies.
August 30, 2017/by Chris IlaganLET’S CONNECT
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