As an employee, there are a lot of reasons why we usually forget things especially when it comes to working. Busy schedule, tons of plates on your hands and other things to take care of. It’s very challenging and stressful especially when you don’t have time to scribble your notes, check your messages on time and learn from what you read. What might happen is that there will be an information overload but less retention? Hard to admit but, we also forget to unwind sometimes.
Since the modern world is now focused on fast-paced learning, we decided to create a way for you to learn and to unwind as well. This is called “Gamification”. It is using gamified contents on your eLearning courses. With this, you will have time for knowledge and loosen up a bit because it is game time! Hitting two birds with one stone, amazing right?
Studies show that gamification in eLearning makes users remember by 90% of what they learned! What does this give us in return? Higher productivity and performance feedback up to 80%! Isn’t that wonderful?
To learn more about ‘gamification’ and how you can integrate it on your eLearning courses, you can contact us today and we will be glad help craft effective and exciting courses and will help your learners retain what they have learned!