5 Quotes from Jack Ma that You Should Ponder


Business mogul and founder of Chinese e-commerce company, Alibaba Jack Ma is a leader in the tech industry. He serves as an inspiration to other tech leaders as well making him influential in the world of technology.

Here are 5 quotes from Ma himself that you should keep in mind.

Quote #1:

“If we are a good team and know what we want to do, one of us can defeat ten of them.”

Being an effective leader does not only mean that you can carry your team or company. Good leadership will reflect on how your members can stand individually. Imparting to them what they know and equipping your people with the right skills leads to a great team.

Quote #2:

“Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful.”

The world will never be easy on us. You’ll face challenges no matter what, it’s up to you if you’re going to let that defeat you. Having a strong heart is key to achieve what you are aiming for.

Quote #3:

“We will make it because we are young and we will never, never give up.”

In relevance to quote number 2, this says that as long as you have the energy to fight for your dreams, it will never be too late. Keep on striving to get that dream you want

Quote #4:

“In carrying out e-commerce, the most important thing is to keep doing what you are doing right now with passion, to keep it up.”

Passion will always be present in every leader’s quote. This is one thing they have in common. They have the passion for what they do and it leads them to great heights. That’s one takeaway we can get from leaders like Ma, in whatever we do, let’s do it with passion.

Quote #5:

“It doesn’t matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if I don’t succeed, someone will succeed.”

Imparting what you know to others will always be important in leadership. You pass on the greatness that you have so the legacy will live on. Plant your knowledge to the younger ones and it will bloom as years past by.

Jack Ma is a good example that once a person perseveres in life, greatness will be achieved. May you ponder his quotes and use it as motivation in life.

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