How To Make Your Video Ads Be More Effective


As a business owner, you want to invest in things that would help your business to prosper like investing in advertising. For many years, traditional advertising (TV/Radio ads and print ads) has been used by advertisers, but as the world progresses and with the rise of technology, advertising became digital with the likes of video ads that can be posted in multiple platforms. But with its rise, a lot of entrepreneurs opt to do this, how will you stand out from the rest and yet be effective?  Here at Miyens, we can offer affordable video marketing services that will surely and effectively advertise your business.

Here are 6 tips to make your videos be more effective

1. Plan ahead.

Nothing beats an advertisement that was planned and had invested time to conceptualize. Whether your company is just starting or a veteran in the field of business, you have to plan ahead. What kind of video will you create? Are you going to create an introductory video? Teaser or a full-blown video ad? Plan it ahead!

2. Personalised your content for your target audience.

Give it a personal touch! Create your own flow of script for your ad. It will depend on your choice of what type of ad you will execute! Making this more personalized makes your viewers have an initial impression of your products and services. It is kind of crucial, yes, but it will make your product recognizable.

3. Your advertiser.

You already planned your ad and made it personalized, so as your advertiser! Will it be a known actor or a talent from your company? He/She must be appealing to your viewers. Consider also their wardrobe if it is appropriate for the product and services you offer. If you will not use anyone with the shot, you can use voice talents, right? They must have good diction, proper pronunciation and great quality of voice!

4. Simple and clean.

Let your viewers understand what your product is all about. Set a time limit! A 30 seconder to 1-minute video ads will be enough.

5. Great Editing Skills.

Even if your advertiser is good enough, there will always be cuts and bloopers to your video. Find a team that can properly edit your videos with creativity. If you will not utilize an individual to your video ad, animation can be a great way to use!

6. Call to Action.

At the end of your video, allow your viewers to contact you by providing your contact information. With this, your business can grow much faster than the usual!

Are you in need of a team that can help you in creating a video ad? Worry no more because. We can provide you a planned and personalized content and a great team of editors and talents for your video! Contact us today and our digital marketing team will be glad to assist you!

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