Experiential Marketing Myths


Marketing Myths

If you are a business owner who’s planning to do an experiential marketing for your business, you might have heard a few myths about it. But your business needs no myths, Miyens can help you have an effective and unforgettable Experiential Marketing for your business. We offer marketing solutions like Augmented Reality Games and Apps, 360 Panorama and Brandable Games and Apps that will surely help you have a successful experiential marketing campaign.

But what are the marketing myths that hinder the success of a marketing campaign? Here are a few:


So you’ve launched an experiential marketing for your product, what’s next? As a business owner, it is normal if you are looking for results but here’s what you need to know. SUCCESS WON’T BE IMMEDIATE. You won’t feel it during your campaign nor after it. If that’s the case, don’t disregard your idea right away, give your market the time to react towards your marketing and your product as well. If your experiential marketing works well, you might even be surprised at how successful it might get. Not only it will bring you the sales you want but brand loyalty as well that your customers will give for your product.


If you are a small local business you can still do experiential marketing. You don’t have to follow the steps of big brands like Adidas, Pepsi, and Disney when it comes to their experiential marketing. You can do experiential marketing just by being creative and being unforgettable for your market. If your product is good enough then you would need to do less for your experiential marketing, remember that you’re still trying to market your product.


It’s not just event to launch or promote your market. YOU ARE TRYING TO ENGAGE YOUR CUSTOMERS TO YOUR PRODUCT IN A DEEPER LEVEL. You are trying to associate your brand with an unforgettable experience for them. If you are opting for experiential marketing, then why not make it memorable not only for you but for your customers as well. Remember, customers that have an emotional attachment to a brand, make them patronize the product for a long time.


Experiential marketing is not new in the marketing world. Those free taste tests that you see in supermarkets? That’s experiential marketing already. It only differs from the strategies businesses do and how they do it. A good example of that is Virtual Reality (VR), a lot of experiential marketing is doing this to make a lasting and strong impact on consumers.

Don’t fill your head with doubts and myths. Miyens will surely help you have an effective immersive and interactive marketing. Contact us now and our marketing team will be glad to assist you.

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