5 Traits That Every Community Leader Must Have


For a community to be in order they have a community leader that guides them towards their improvement. But how does one become an effective community leader? Here are 5 traits that you can follow.

1. Bring the best out of your people

As a leader you need to guide your people especially those who are helping you in managing the community. Each member of your team has their own capacity and as their leader it is your responsibility to bring out their potential. When your team is at their best, they can help you much further in improving the community.

2. Keeping the team productive

In being a leader in your community, you’ll be doing lots of projects for the betterment of your constituents that’s why you’ll need a productive team. For you to have that you need to delegate each person in tasks or projects that they can do, they are willing to do and they have the time to do it. It will be easy for you to do this since you know your team’s capability.

3. Walk the talk

Some community leaders have the tendency to do more of the talking but less of the acting and as a result the community is not getting any form of leadership. To be followed by your subordinates you need to take action and lead them. Be really involved in the community and be willing to take part in changing your community for the better.

4. Form new leaders

As per the good words of author and public speaker J. Sakiya Sandifer “True leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” You are not a leader forever but your advocacy and projects for the community shall live on. Shape new leaders in the younger generation and pass on good leadership

5. Think long term

The problem with community leaders nowadays is that they do projects that has temporary benefits. Yes, the initiative is there to create projects for the community but when the effect is only short term, did the community really benefited from it? As leaders always think of long-term solutions, projects that the next generation can benefit from. THIS IS WHAT YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS and as a leader YOU HAVE TO DO IT.

The tips that are mentioned in this article is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s more to it when it comes to leading a community. If you’ve liked this article, tell us what trait you’ve liked the most. And don’t forget to share this on your social media accounts so that your friends or colleagues can read this as well.