On recent studies, there are about 2.6 billion mobile users worldwide. The chances that your prospects will browse your website using their mobile devices is about 87 percent! These are important statistics to consider when building your website. You need to make sure that important sections of your site are viewable and formatted correctly for mobile phones.

Users leave websites that load slowly or those that do not display properly on their mobile phones. As a result, you are losing customers for your business in just a second! While on the other hand it is been proven that time spent on mobile-friendly websites increased and interaction encouraged where this results in more customers and sales.

Here are top 3 reasons why you should have a mobile ready website:

1. Customers Convenience = Higher Sales!

Since your current and potential customers are using their mobile phones most of the time, chances of converting visitors into customers will increase.

2. It will lead you to the top search results.

Did you know that Google and other search engines will rank you higher in search results if it sees that you are serving mobile-friendly websites? Well, if you’re not aware of it, you’re welcome!

3. And our goal, not to lose your current and prospective customers!

You can lose customers to your competitors that have a mobile ready website so don’t let them be ahead of you.

How about you? Is your website and marketing materials mobile ready? We can help you assess and upgrade your materials. It’s an investment that has high returns. So take it as a priority. Act now and contact us! Our friendly Digital Marketing Consultants will be glad to assist you.

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