Importance of Call to Action in customer conversion

Ever wonder why your conversion rate is low? Then one way to increase that is to improve your “call to action” or CTA on your sales and marketing materials. Having a website, facebook page, social media promotion and blog posts is pointless if the readers or viewers would not actually buy, book, schedule, or inquire. So make sure to add CTA buttons on your Facebook page and CTA links on your videos and blog posts. In that way, your audience could easily go to your conversion page. Example of call to action are buttons and words like “Book Now”, “Learn More”, “Earn your 15% Off”, “Order Now”, “Get it while available”

How useful is “Call To Action”

  • They attract visitors and turn them into leads.
  • It can be connected on your social media pages
  • It can nurture your lead by using CTA that offers free trials
  • It can encourage potential customers to buy or support your products and services
  • It can be an access for your upcoming event to help you gather visitors

Planning to increase customer conversion rate? Check if your sales and marketing materials have CTA messages? Need help on doing this the right way? We can help you achieve that!. Contact us now,our friendly Digital Marketing Consultants will be glad to assist you.

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