Does being MESSY promotes CREATIVITY?


If I were being asked if “being messy” promotes “CREATIVITY”, I would say, YES! SOMETIMES!
According to psychological studies, work environment doesn’t really affect our creative way of thinking. It is mainly the knowledge, experiences, inspirations, great will, and necessity that correlates to what we do and what we think, thus promotes creativity. Our surrounding is just another factor that may help us boost our creativity; it may also serve as a distraction to others.

I always encounter different types of people who have a variety of ways to set-up their desired work environment. Some wanted a clear desk while others want a fully-loaded art-inspired workspace.
Nevertheless, creativity depends on our innate sense of desire to turn the wheel on the other side. We may see these things as a distraction but even the greatest bucket of trash has a hidden treasure inside.

Anyways, I’m just sharing a part of what I’m thinking and what I can say about these beliefs that we see or hear every day. Regardless to say, creativity works in every other way, depending on how we see the other side of the story.